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.They were no longer there.George asked Kevin where they were.Kevin shrugged his shoulders saying, “The man just grabbed her and pulled her inside, she told us to wait here”.Heather said, “Shouldn't we do something? I am worried now”.Paul spoke up, “ I think she will be OK, she is a tough cookie”.George smiled, “We best just wait here for her then”.After about ten minutes Olivia came out of the building, turned to shake the man's hand and made her way back to the group.She appeared dazed and in shock.They waited in anticipation while she composed herself.“Bloody Hell!” she said, “That was an eye opener”.They all crowded round her as Rachel asked, “Why, what happened?”“Come on tell us then,” said Peter.George could see that Olivia was loving the attention.“Well it's like this” she began, “I think we should go in this one, it is still twenty five, but he has agreed to give us an extra beer”.The group began to discuss again what they should do.George could see that Olivia was becoming impatient with them all, as the rain came down heavier than before.She looked lovely in the lamplight with her determined expression and the small frown that now ran across her forehead.George knew he made the right decision about who he was to groom for a night of passion.He loved a challenge.Before the night was over the rainbow would be his.Olivia suddenly shouted, “Right I have had enough now,”.She walked over to George and began to pull him towards the door.She looked back at the group, the 'we can't make our minds up' people and shouted, “Do what the fuck you want , me and him”, nodding at George, ”are going in here.”That was just what they all needed and they began to run across the street to join George and Olivia as they entered the building.It was black as black could be.Once they were inside the group picked their way through crowded tables and narrow aisles as an escort showed them to the front, where they were crammed round a table, very close to each other.Waiting for their beers, George looked at Olivia, who was sitting to his left.Her eyes were sparkling in the lights shining off the stage.For the first time he noticed how beautiful they were.He asked her, “How did you do that? What happened?”Olivia gave a nervous laugh as she replied,” God knows, I almost died when he dragged me in here and all I could see was two people having sex on that stage.It was all so surreal.I thought of that song, can't remember it now, it's from a film or show, what was it?”Olivia smiled and closed her eyes trying to remember.“I know,” She laughed, “It was 'Sweet Charity,' the song was 'if they could see me now', and it goes 'if they could see me now', they'd never believe it'.I thought what would my friends at home think if they saw me now? I know I am drunk or I would not have been able to argue with the man.You know he wasn't very nice at all.”Olivia linked her arm under George's and snuggled closer.George, felt comfortable and smiled at her asking if she was still drunk.Her reply was,“Not as much, sort of but not sober and the night is yet young, I can get drunk again”.She winked.The stripper left the stage as the second beers appeared and the curtain rose to a classroom setting.A tall blond woman entered through a door at the back of the set, she was dressed in a school uniform, a short gym slip and black hold ups.Pigtails were adorned by red ribbons.The woman strutted about and then sat on the desk crossing her legs provocatively.The men sitting by the stage at the front were certainly enjoying themselves.Music began to play and a man appeared, he was wearing a long shirt, hat, shoes and socks and no trousers, his dangly bits were on full display.Olivia stiffened as she said to George, “Why, he has no trousers on.Oh my god! is that his willy?”George smiled, sometimes Olivia was so sweet, she was like a little child.She went on to ask, “How does he get it hard then?”There was complete silence in the auditorium as the man played with himself in an effort to get an erection.It seemed to go on forever.Suddenly without warning the voice next to George screeched, “ Take your bloody hat off, and it might stand up”.George was horrified, what on earth possessed her to do that? What did Olivia think she was doing?Out of nowhere a he/she appeared.It was hard to determine if she was a man or a woman.“You be quiet now!” a voice boomed at them in a broken accent , “You be quiet or I throw you out”.Olivia took a swig from her bottle and whispered, “Sorry”.Olivia shrank into George he wondered if that was a breast he could feel rubbing his arm.George began to wonder what Olivia's breasts were like.Were her nipples big or small, brown or pale pink? Perhaps he might get to see them later?There was nothing better than watching sex to make a person want sex.Maybe Olivia might want sex when they got back to the hotel?George was brought out of his day dream by Olivia who was tugging at his sleeve.George looked up at the stage and saw that the man had achieved an erection and was very busy shafting the blonde who was now laid, spread eagled across the desk.Without warning the man picked the girl up and continuing to push himself up her, carried her across the stage and down the steps on the right.She had her legs wrapped tightly round his waist, as they made their way towards the table that was occupied by the 'Into the Sun' people.The man looked down at them indicating that they needed to clear the table [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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