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.“Okay, what’s your preference? I have fishnet, PVC, silk…” Olly held up one garment after another.“They’re all so revealing! Don’t you have anything plain? Wait… The green one’s nice.” Christian caught sight of a forest green top.“Oh you have good taste… It’s silk.The color will be perfect for you too.Put it on ’cause if it’s too loose you’re not having it.”The silk felt whisper soft against his skin, it was almost as if he wasn’t wearing anything at all.Olly cooed appreciatively, “Oh yes, that’s the one.God only knows how Aiden squeezed into it, he’s a bit broader across the chest than you are and it’s nice and snug on you.”“I don’t know, Olly, it’s a bit clingy.” Christian looked in the mirror and hardly recognized himself.His uniform at The Underground was conservative in comparison to this.“Don’t be daft—you look stunning.You just need a bit of eyeliner and some clear gloss on your lips.”“I don’t have any makeup… I’m not sure, won’t it make me look like a girl?”“Do you think I look like a girl? Or Aiden? We both wear makeup.”Christian stared at Olly’s blond curls and Cupid’s bow lips and was very tempted to make a sarcastic remark.He didn’t.Olly was pretty but he still looked masculine in his own unique way.He couldn’t recall noticing that Aiden used cosmetics, but maybe he did at the club.Lots of the subs and some of the Doms did.Christian had a sudden image of Becket wearing eyeliner and choked back laughter.Becket was one man who wouldn’t be caught dead near a stick of kohl.“All right.Just a little, though, if you can lend me something?”“Of course.That just leaves footwear and that won’t be an issue.You should go barefoot.Doms love that, it increases your vulnerability.”“Vulnerable is right, especially when they’re stomping around in bloody great boots.I’ve always wondered how the waiting staff at The Underground don’t get their toes squished more.”Olly giggled.“They learn to move fast.” He checked his watch.“Wow, it’s lunchtime.You’d better take that lot off—there are quite a lot of clients in this week and they’re not used to the more alternative side of our business! With any luck Aiden might poke his head above ground and join us for lunch.I expect Joe and Heath will be schmoozing with the guests but we don’t have to sit with them.”“Okay.” Christian had forgotten all about being bashful and stripped off his clothes.Dressing in his comfortable jeans again was something of a relief even if he did catch Olly sniggering as he did up the fly with a lot of care.“Hey! If you’re going to make me wear non-existent underwear, what do you expect?”Olly skipped toward the door.“I suggest you invest in more button-fly jeans.Much safer.”Christian followed Olly to the busy staff dining room, where Aiden had snagged a small table in a corner.He waved at Christian and Olly when they joined the queue for food.Christian was too excited to be very hungry but he chose a salad and a bottle of juice then took his tray across to join Aiden.Olly wasn’t far behind, balancing a bowl of vegetable soup, a hunk of granary bread and a smoothie.Aiden raised a dark eyebrow and smirked.Olly scowled.“What? I like to eat healthily sometimes.”“Liar.You’d exist on sugar if Joe let you and you turn into a master criminal when it comes to getting your mitts on sweet things.”Olly dunked bread in his soup.“Don’t listen to him, Christian, he’s a spy-geek.He sees evil in everyone.Even little old me.”Aiden snorted.“How was your morning, Christian? Did you find something to wear?”“I did.Thanks so much for lending me your stuff.”“My pleasure.I’ll bet you’re really looking forward to Becket getting here, aren’t you?”Christian nodded.“I am, but I’m a bit nervous too.It hasn’t even been a week since he was hurt.I’m worried that he’s leaving the hospital too soon.”Olly waved a spoon at him.“You don’t need to worry, Becket’s tough.It took a few days to rule out serious damage, but most of his injuries are relatively superficial.He’ll heal quickly and I’m here if there are any problems.He has great pain medication—he’ll be a happy bunny for the next few days until I wean him off the good stuff.”Christian looked at his plate and realized his salad had disappeared.He must have been hungrier than he had thought.“The worst thing about him getting better is knowing he’s going back to such a dangerous job.Oh… That sounds like I don’t want him well and I do, but I can’t help but worry.”“You shouldn’t, you know.” Aiden smiled reassuringly.“Ninety-nine percent of the time Becket’s job is a million miles away from danger.Talk to him.Let him know how you feel.”Olly’s blond head bobbed.“Talking’s good.Becket can’t help you if you don’t let him know what you’re worrying about.If he finds out from someone else that you’re fretting he’ll probably give you a good spanking.Of course, that isn’t much of an incentive to be more communicative…”Aiden sighed.“Not helping, Olly.Not all of us like to have permanently glowing arses, you know.”“You don’t?” Olly looked from Aiden to Christian as if he’d just been told the world was about to end.Christian burst out laughing.“Oh, Olly, you’re adorable.You’re better than any medicine!”Olly preened.“Adorable, huh?”Aiden pushed his chair back.“I hate to break up this meeting of the Olly Appreciation Society but I have to meet Heath and head for the hospital.”“And my arse has a date with Joe’s hand…or his flogger…or his cane…or maybe all three if I’m a really lucky boy!” Olly stood up eagerly.“You should go and get yourself ready, Christian.Becket will be back before you know it.”As Christian strolled back toward his room, he wondered just how much he should share with Becket.Christian had enough worries to keep a counsellor in business for weeks.He took a deep breath.Nothing was as important as Becket getting well.Everything else could wait, for a little while at least.Chapter NineAs Heath pulled into The Edge and parked as close to the door as he was able, Becket heaved a sigh of relief.Everyone at the hospital had been incredibly kind but that didn’t stop him feeling like he’d just escaped from prison.He’d be eternally grateful to his brother.Gideon had visited Becket’s flat and delivered a bag of clothes so that he could make a run for it in his own clothes rather than hospital scrubs.Lying in his hospital bed, Becket had made a few decisions.It was amazing what clarity of thought could be brought on by close proximity to an exploding bomb.Now all he had to do was hope that those people affected by his choices would agree with his thinking.He climbed out of the car and smiled at Aiden who was hovering close by.“I’m not going to fall over in a heap, Aiden, I promise.”Aiden looked a bit sheepish.“I was trying not to be too obvious.”Heath joined them, hefting Becket’s bag onto his shoulder.“If this ugly lug fell on you, sweetheart, you’d be squashed.Stay away from him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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