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Lista składa się z 5001 haseł
Baker R. Scott Ksiaze Nicosci Mysl tysiackrotna (2006)
.Ta cenna strategicznie przyjaźń sugeruje, że Seswatha był zręcznym politykiem, jeszcze zanim został wielkim mistrzem.Nawiązał bliską znajomość z wieloma ważnymi osobistościami w Trzech Morzach, w tym również z Nil'giccasem, królem Nieludzi z ...

Douglas Niles & Michael Dobson Fox at the Front (epub)
.‶We have been forced to defend ourselves and to gain for the people of Germany what history and justice demand—room for our people and freedom from that domination.We have waged war only in self-defense, only to provide us with the freedom that is our birthright, only to ...

Doctor Who Ultimate Treasure Christopher Bulis
.''Nonsense,' said Thorrin.'Whatever may lie ahead we're forewarned now.We've had a taste of the locals' mental tricks and know they can be overcome by concentration and strength of will.''Quite right,' said the Marquis.'There'll be no turning back!'Myra thought she ...

Craig Schaefer [Daniel Faust The Living End (epub)
.We rolled past the cherry neon arch reading ‶Reno: The Biggest Little City in the World,” cruising for Fourth Street.The street itself—and the blues bar that bore the street’s name up on its red marquee.All cozy and smoky and dark, 4th Street Scarlet was miles away ...

Baldacci David Klub Wielblado Oddzial 666
.Pozostałe informacje wcale nie były lepsze.Pistolet nie miał numerów seryjnych, samochód został skradziony.Porywacze nie wspomnieli nazwiska Bagger, więc nic nie łączyło całego zdarzenia z właścicielem kasyna.Nie było nawet powodów, żeby ...

Arthur G. Daniells Chrystus nasza sprawiedliwoscia
.W tym samym czasie nadejdzie ÂťpóźnydeszczÂŤ lub Âťpokrzepienie od obecności PanaÂŤ, by dodać mocy donośnemugłosowi trzeciego anioła i przygotować świętych do ostania się w czasie wylaniasiedmiu ostatnich plag” (DW.69 wyd.I lub 66 wyd.II).To ...

Anne Perry [William Monk 12] A Funeral in Blue (v5.0) (epub)
.‶How do you know?” He had to be certain.‶ ’Cos Mr.’Arreford come by an’ bought ’is usual.Quarter past nine on the dot, ’e is, reg’lar as Big Ben.”‶You can’t hear Big Ben from here,” Monk pointed out.The peddler looked at him crookedly.‶ ...

Citadel Ringo John Troy Rising 02
."You're going to have to use a lot of explosives.""Explosives are cheap," Tyler said."Bit cold in here, care to take a walk?""Since we got the second missile fabber installed we've been able to refill from what we used in the last battle," Tyler shouted.The room was noisy ...

Corporate Wolves 2 Losing Contr Crissy Smith
.He sat back and opened the file and Bree averted her gaze, only to have it caught by Shawn’s.Shawn stared at her.The corner of his mouth tipped up.‶Wow, this is great,” Kyle said as he sat at the edge of his chair and placed each design print on the edge of the desk.‶You ...

Amber Rose Thompson Primal Needs [MF] (bad conversi
.Sure, useful to the sales of Xanax and alcohol, not to the improvementof sanity.She took a deep breath and let her nerves fill her ears withpounding so she couldn't latch on to the odd swish of the grass behindher.Vacationing on a farm growing up, she knew the sound a farmcat ...

April Raynne [Captured 01] Captured Secret (epub)
.I introduce them, tell Ty thank you, and reluctantly remove myself from his hug to go back inside.Now I have a fake, sad look, and he smiles at me as I mope away.The rest of the day goes quickly, and it takes everything I have not to leap into his arms the second I walk into the ...

Ava Stone [Regency Encounter In the Stars (epub)
.‶You can ask her, if you like.”He scratched the back of his neck as though to make certain he wasn’t dreaming.‶Anyway, Madam Derbardi said she’d been waiting for me and suggested I wanted my cards read.So I shuffled her stack of cards, letting my aura soak into ...

Dream Called Time A Stardoc Nov S. L. Viehl
.‶My blood is what killed him.”‶This is because you are impure.Like the other, but more complicated.” She regarded me.‶Do you wish me to separate you?”I thought of Jarn, and how happy Reever would be to have her back.‶Sorry, but I don’t have another body ...

Cerys du Lys [The Billionaire His Absolute Betrayal (epub) id
.""Oh," I said."Alternatively, apparently I'm not against the idea of you spanking me and then having sex with me.That seems equally agreeable.""Maybe," I said."I like when you do it more.This BDSM stuff is difficult.There's a lot of work involved.""You prefer to be on the ...

Domofon Zygmunt Miloszewski
.Na czole Wiktora lśniły grube krople potu.– Może razem, co? – mruknął do niego Kamil i położył swoją dłoń na nakrętce.Razem przekręcili ją o ćwierć obrotu… nic… potem o półâ€Ś Stojąca najbliżej kobieta zaczęła głośno krzyczeć i ...

Csikoeveink Robert Merle
.Csakugyan, amint a hurok megszorult a torkĂĄn, Cabassus feje ĂŠlettelenĂźl hanyatlott alĂĄ mellĂŠre, s a csőcselĂŠk felhĂśrdĂźlt, ĂŠs ĂĄtkozta a hóhĂŠrt, mintha fĂĄjna neki, hogy Cabassus kĂśtĂŠl s nem tĹąz ĂĄltal hal.CsalódottsĂĄguk mindazonĂĄltal nem volt ...

Chaz Brenchley [Outremer 04] Hand of the King's Evil (epub)
.Standing now, leaning heavily on Jemel, he looked down on the sleeping Hasan and then out, over the parapet for his first sight of Surayon.He saw a valley like a garden on a grand scale, green and growing - or rather it had been, and should have been yet.Whichever way he turned, ...

Doctor Who Transit Ben Aaronovitch
.It was an education watching Benny work Billy Boy.The way she put it the scheme didn't sound political at all.More like a convoluted scam to grab more prestige for the Dixies.She was using his eyes as a guide, saying things to keep them on her face.When the eyes drifted Benny ...

Book 4 Wrath of the Blue Lady
.You would be wasting your time."Before the big man or the captain could speak again, the monsters lurking within the forest attacked.The awful creatures swam, scurried, and slithered toward the doomed crew.Bravely, the men tried to stand their ground, but none of them ...

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